...transformed lives who transform lives who....
Books and Other Resource
Transformative Church Planting Movement is a new way of doing church. It challenges Christians to evaluate their present paradigm and supporting traditions (the way they do church) in light of Jesus' ministry. It stresses the importance of individual and small group transformation as the foundation for church transformation. The book emphasizes The Great Commandment of "love" for God and others as the motivations for TCPM. The Great Commission to "make disciples" with the corresponding method of "go to baptize, baptize to teach, and teach to go" form the matrix of TCPM. In addition, the book uses the Parable of the Sower from Matthew 13 to introduce a transformative theological model that is an insightful and inductive process for producing individual transformation that is practical. For those that want to make disciples and see God through His Word transform lives, churches, and communities, this book offers an alternative, a different way of doing church.
“Everyone who drinks this water will be thirsty again, but whoever drinks the water I give them will never thirst. Indeed, the water I give them will become in them a spring of water welling up to eternal life.” (John 4:13-14 NIV) These are the words of Jesus to the Woman at the Well in Sychar. What if you could have what Jesus offered her? What if your next drink of water was the last one you would ever need? Yes, it can be. Of course, Jesus was not talking about literal water; He was talking about spiritual water for thirsty souls. A thirsty soul can be just as powerful as a thirsty body. The desire for inner satisfaction, success, and significance can be insatiable. Jesus was describing, on some level, the difference between religion and a true relationship with God. God frees you from the well by giving you a well within. The picture and contrast is amazing. The well must be traveled to while the spring travels with you. The well is deep and requires great effort to draw from while in a spring water comes to you. The spring within changes everything. Creating A Transformative Church Culture is about creating a spring within you, a water-producing environment that changes you from the inside out, and teaching others to do the same. It is not about something given to you regularly to meet your needs; it is about something produced in you that meets your needs and, once experienced, compels you to help others discover the Living Water. A transformative culture is an environment where transformation happens naturally for the glory of God, for the improvement of the person, and for the benefit of others. It is a matrix through which people pass, making them more like Jesus, who came to serve, not to be served. A transformative culture is a place where the creative hand of God is once again experienced in US for the purpose of bestowing His good work on OTHERS.
Transformative Journal
The Transformative Journal is a helpful companion to the Transformative Process. It is designed to move the participant from being spiritual fed to spiritual feeding themselves and others. It is a tool that keeps God's Word as the chief curriculum for disciple making as it assist him or her to move from hearing to doing to being more Christ-like. In addition, The Jump Start tab on this website can help you understand how to use it.
This article from Brad Briscoe will give you are greater understanding of the meaning of the word Co-vocational and how compartmentalization of ministry roles such as clergy and laity has negatively effected the church.
Rethinking Bi-vocational Church Planting
The North American Mission Board is taking some bold moves in the area of Church Planting. This church planting agency of Southern Baptist, having created a ground breaking processes for developing and deploying vocational church planters, has now moved into the arena of bi-vocational and co-vocational church planting. Lead by Brad Briscoe the co-author of Missional Essentials, The Missional Quest: Becoming a Church of the Long Run, and Next Door As It Is In Heaven, this endeavor will create a new paradigm for a new type of church planter. Read this article from by Brad for more information and to get a look at upcoming resources...
Brad Briscoe's Blog
Brad is currently the Director of Bivocational Church Planting for the North American Mission Board. He holds a doctorate in the area of missional ecclesiology; his doctoral thesis was on assisting existing congregations in transitioning in a missional direction. Brad is the co-author of Missional Essentials, a twelve-week small group study guide, The Missional Quest: Becoming a Church of the Long Run, and Next Door As It Is In Heaven. He and his wife have three children and have been foster parents to more than fifty other kids.
NAMB Send Network
North American Mission Board or NAMB: The Send Network exists to push back lostness in North America. That purpose is accomplished through church planting in areas of greatest need. The Send Network recognizes that church planting is one of the most challenging, and yet rewarding, callings on a person’s life. With that reality in mind, the Send Network enhances the church planting experience through collaboration and unmatched support with assessments, training, coaching, resources and care... Read More...