...transformed lives who transform lives who....
How much does the training cost?
At this point the training is free. Although we would like keep it that way, only time will tell. Our hope is that as people benefit from it, they might help it become self sustaining.
How much work can I expect?
We have tried to make the assignments as user friendly as possible, and links are embedded throughout the website to allow you to get to information more efficiently. Worksheets are online and created through Google Forms. In addition, you can read and/or listen to the content of each reading assignment, and you can download audios and listen to them on your mobile device as you travel back and forth to work. All of all, you can expect to spend 1 to 2 hours on each assignment--reading or listening to the content and doing the assigned worksheet for each assignment. The debrief could take an additional 45 minutes to an hour.
How long will the process take?
There are 8 assignments in Section 1: Understanding a Movement and 16 in Section 2: Starting a Movement. You can move at your own pace. Depending on your spare time and the trainer's availability, you may elect to do more than one assignment each week. Some debriefs may involve more than one assignment.
What makes this process different from others?
It's about training, not just education. This training produces an intuitive readiness in a Christian that helps them see and appropriately respond to the work of the Spirit in the lives of people.
What do you mean by transformative?
God is all about transformation (Romans 12:1-2). "Transformative" is the adjective that best explains the factors that make up this process. The Transformative Journal, Transformative Model, Transformative Method and are examples of different aspects with the same desired outcome - TRANSFORMATION Read more...
What is the difference between education and training?
A simple answer for this is seen in the difference between a teacher and an instructor. While most teachers convey information and hope for added proficiency, an instructor is more like a trainer or coach who is responsible for not just teaching but for the demonstration of proficiency. The final exam for an instructor is the intuitive application of information. Read more...
Why is there an application and assessment required?
Not everyone is ready for this type of training or the training itself. The application and assessment do not just diagnose--they create critical points of dialogue. In addition, limited time and a limited number of trainers create a need to vet potential candidates.
What can I expect from the training?
You can expect to be a more competent and more confident disciple maker and maker of disciple makers. You may even become so good at it that you find yourself surrounded by generations of Jesus followers and ask yourself, "What do I do now?" Start a church? NO. You already have a church. Now it is time to organize it. YOU ARE A CHURCH PLANTER. Click here and let's talk...
Why does the process have people sign a covenant?
For years we have talked about accountability but found that groups have a hard time maintaining it, at least to the level at which it started. What sometimes begins as an in-depth Bible Study erodes into a devotional and social club with only a few coming prepared. A covenant agreement gives a group something to revisit when individuals begin to slack off. It also can reduce conflict when a document defines our agreement instead of details being stored in the memories of leaders and attenders. Read More...